Let your dreams lift in to creativity

Creative thinking is the ability to look at things in a different way of solving any problem. Creative thinking skills not only for artists, everybody can benefit from creative thinking to solve their day to day problems and life issues. Boys’ and girls’ dream content is different; girls tend to so more locations and people. 

There is a difference between men and women’s dreams. Women tend to more dreams when compared with men; their dream length is also high. Women can express creatively when compared with men’s dreams, women dream content often fills with nightmares. Girls also tend to more dreams when compared with the boy’s dreams. Men and women socialize differently, from childhood onwards boys show more aggressive when compared with girls. Girls taught to be more social than boys.

When compared with men women tend more dreams. Few people get answers to their problems through their dreams. Klepel, Schredl, & Göritz (2019) conducted a study on 2492 people participated, they answered an online questionnaire to find out how creative ideas formed and it’s helped them in solving their problems. Participants expressed on average both creative ideas and problem-solving dreams once every other month. This study illuminating that people can obtain answers to their problems. Artists and musicians and film directors can use their dreams for their profession.

Barrett (2017) said that dreams shaped drawing, music, novels, movies, mathematical proofs, and designs for construction, telescopes, and computers. Dreaming is our brain thought process in another neurophysiologic form—and consequently, it is likely to answer solutions to the problems on which our waking minds have become stuck. This neurophysiologic state is characterized by high activity in brain areas connected with images, so problems requiring vibrant prophecy are also more probable to get assistance from dreaming.

By using our dreams we can improve creative thinking and even we can solve our problems. There is a difference in men’s and women’s dreams.


Klepel, F., Schredl, M., & Göritz, A. S. (2019). Dreams stimulate waking-life creativity and problem solving: Effects of personality traits. International Journal of Dream Research, 95-102.

Barrett, D. (2017). Dreams and creative problem‐solving. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1406(1), 64-67.

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