While sleeping also subconscious mind works, when we are awake also it works but in sleeps it over takes entirely. Most of us we don’t use our subconscious mind completely, what if we can use subconscious mind as a tool to solve problems and improving our creativity. Here are few techniques how to use subconscious mind and dreams.

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”

                                                                     Thomas Edison 

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Earl Nightingale

Here we are using the same technique.

  1. 1. Get a dream journal or set up a notes app on your mobile phone. But writing in a note book has more considerable remembrance evoke effect versus a digital log.
  2. Before going to bed, spend few minutes to imagine things what is bothering much or want to accomplish in life.
  3. If your facing any situation to know the solution write down the issue or matter in that notes and try to figure it out few solutions also.
  4. If the person is unable to fetch goals, and achieving them? Write a question what’s bothering and to achieve that?
  5. Prepare few questions which suits to achieve something and write it.
  6.  Read these questions repeatedly and consciously making the request to solve them to subconscious mind through dreams.

Before going to sleep read it repeatedly and goes to bed. Here, what will happen? The person will get dream, in his/her dream can see the solution to a problem.

Here comes one more problem people will ask how to remember dreams? Solution is this: https://dreampsychology.in/how-to-remember-dreams/

Please go through the article.

Use subconscious mind as weapon to solve problems, because our mind is our best friend .we have to see how best we can deal with it.

“The capacity for directed thinking I call intellect; the capacity for passive or undirected thinking I call intellectual intuition.” – Carl Jung

So here we are using our intellectual intuition by using our subconscious mind and getting answers through our dreams. Anybody can implement this technique. Who are using substances for them little difficult to remember their dreams. It’s not going too happened in one day we need to practice it regularly then we will get answers.

So use your dreams for solving the problems and creative thinking also. Few writers will say they have writer’s block by using this technique they can overcome the situation. Even artists also, by using this technique anybody can improve their creativity also.

So make best use of subconscious mind and dreams by practicing these techniques.

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